C19 MentalHealthNet
The COVID-19 Mental Health Research Network
Project group
Project leaders: Soraya Seedat & Nancy Kassam-Adams
Project group: Natasha Kitchin (natashak@sun.ac.za), Nancy Kassam-Adams, Soraya Seedat, Ulrich Schnyder, Miranda Olff.
Interested to join the project group as a project ambassador? Please email Natasha.
Aims and method
The Global Collaboration of Traumatic Stress is collecting information on COVID-19 related mental health research that is being conducted or planned around the world. The aim of this project is to offer opportunities for collaboration, encourage sharing of resources (and data), and promote interchange amongst researchers in this area.
A data collection tool (GoogleForm) has been developed allowing the information be findable / usable.
Why join the Network?
Let others know about your research
Expand the reach of your study
Find collaborators
Share your skills
Discover opportunities for multi-country and cross-cultural research
How do I participate?
List your research (planned or ongoing)
Explore the current list of research projects and offers to collaborate
TIP 1: Filter results by clicking the funnel icon (top left)
TIP 2: Use the listings to find a new collaborator or connect to researchers with shared interests
When you are ready, share your publications, findings, data with others in the Network

What is expected of me?
You decide on the study information that you want to share
You are welcome (but not required) to offer to share copies of assessment instruments * or data
You will be identified by name and institution in the database
You can ask to have your information removed from the database at any stage
* The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS), a member of the Global Collaboration on Traumatic Stress, has created a repository of COVID-19 related measures.